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Selamat Datang di Blog English Grammar

Jumat, 28 Mei 2010


Ambiguous sentence merupakan kalimat taksa atau punya lebih dari satu makna:
1   The lady hit the man with an umbrella.
 -Is the lady using an umbrella to hit the man?
 -Is she hitting a man who is carrying an umbrella?
2.    He gave her cat food.
-Is he giving cat food to her
     - Is he giving her cat some food?
3.    They are looking for teachers of French, German and Japanese.
(Are they looking for teachers who can each teach one language or all three languages?)
        4.The old men and women left the room.
[The old [men and women]NP ]NP [left [the room]] Both men and women were old.
[The [old men]NP and women]NP [left [the room]] Only men were old and it was not clear whether or not women were old.
 5. Bill sold the invisible man's hat.
Bill sold [the invisible [man's hat] ]
Bill sold [the invisible man]'s hat]
6.  They don't smoke or drink.
[They do not drink] or [they do not smoke]
[They do not drink] or [they smoke]
I saw her duck.
I saw [her duck] NP
I saw [her]NP [duck]VP
7.  The chickens are too hot to eat.
The chickens are too hot so they (chickens) do not eat.
The chicken dishes are too hot so we do not eat.
8.  I said I would see you on Tuesday.
I said [I would see you] on Tuesday.I said on Tuesday.
I said [I would see you on Tuesday.]. I would see you on Tuesday.
9.  Students hate annoying professors.
    Students hate [annoying professors]NP The students hate professors. The head is the noun.
   Students hate [annoying professors ]NP Students hate annoying.
The head is the gerund. Although a gerund serves as a noun, it retains certain characteristics of a verb.
10.  Happily they left.
     Fortunately they left. We are happy.
     They were happy and left. They were happy.
11. They do not eat or drink.
            [They do not eat] or [they drink]
            [They do not eat] or [they do not drink]
     12. The students love listening teacher.
            The students love [listening teacher]. They love the teacher.
            The student love [listening teacher] .They love listening.
     13. The naughty boys and girls played the trick.
           [The naughty [boys and girls]] played the trick. Both boys and girls    are naughty.
          [[The naughty boys] and [girls]] played the trick. Only boys are naughty. 

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