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Kamis, 29 April 2010


Derivative adalah kata jadian yang berasal dari kata asal ditambah awalan (prefix) dan /atau akhiran (suffix).
Formulaton of derivational word:
1.prefix + Stem
• Unfair,misinform,dislike,non-active,deforest,overeat,undercook
2.Prefix + Derivative
• Reorganization,deforestation,misinformation,cooperation
3.Stem + Suffix
• Driver,beautiful,freedom,childhood,government,activity.
4.Derivative + Suffix
• Organization,Organizatonal,nationalize,nationality.
5.Previx + stem +suffix
• Reforestation,misinformation,cooperation.

Prefixes and suffixes

Prefixes usually change the meaning of the word. Suffixes
change the word from one part of speech to another.
Examples: to disconnect: “dis-“ as for un-. To disconnect an
Electrical appliance (melepaskan alat listrik) >< To
Connect an electrical appliance (menyambungkan
alat listrik).
Electricity: ‘-ity’ change electric (adjective) to the
Electricity (listrik) dari kata dasar (stem) electric
(yang berhubungan dengan listrik).

Prefix Meaning Added to example
Un- the opposite of Adjctives unfair
Non- Not Various classes Non-smoker
In- As for un- Adjective Insane
de- To reverse action Verbs Deforest
dis- To reverse action Verbs,etc Disconnect
Mis- Wrongly Particip les,etc Misleading
Super- Above Nouns,etc Superpower
Out- To do something faster Verbs(intr) Outrun
Sur- Over and above Nouns Surface
Sub- Lower than Adjectives Substandard
Over- Too much Verbs,etc Overeat
Under- Too tittle Verbs,etc Undercut
Hyper- Extremely Adjectives Hypercritical
Ultra- Extremely Adjectives Ultra-violet
Mini- Little Nouns Miniskirt
Co- With,joint Verbs,etc Cooperate
Counter- In opposition to Verbs,etc Counteract
Anti- Against Nouns,etc Anti-colonialism
Pro- On the side of Nous,etc Pro-democratic
Inter- Between Nouns,etc Inter department
Trans- Across Verbs,etc Transplant
Fore- Before Nouns,etc Forefather
Pre- Before Nouns,etc Pre-war
Post After Adjective,etc Post-war
Ex- Former Nouns Ex-husband
Re- Angain Verbs,etc rebuild

Contoh :
1.unfair = curang (tidak adil) it is unfair!
2.non-smoker = bukan peroko he is a non-smoker
3.insane = gila,sakit ingatan they become insane
4.deforest = menebang don’t deforest illegally.
5.disconnect = mencopot he disconnect an electrical appliance
6.misleading= menyesatkan she gives us misleading information.
7.superpower= adidaya the U.S.A. is a superpower
8.outrun = berlari lebih cepat dari he couldn’t outrunhis pursuers
9.surface = permukaan the miner returned to the surface.
10.substandard = tidak memenuhi syarat they produced substandard goods
11.overeat = makan terlalu banyak don’t do overeatin!
12.undercut = mengobral the merchants underscut all goods.
13.hypercritical = sangat suka mengeritik he is a hypercritical man.
14.ultra-violet = lembayung-ultra the sun radiates ultra-violet rays.
15.miniskirt = rok mini A little girls wears a miniskirt.
16.cooperate = bekerja sama you sould cooperate with me in this matter.
17.counteract = meniadakan they counter evil
18.anti-colonialism = anti penjajahan we are anti-colonialism people = pendudung pantai democrat they are pro-democratic.
20.inter department = antar departemen it is a system of inter department.
21.transplant = pecangkokan heart transplant is very expesive.
22.forefather = nenek moyang his forefather was fisherman.
23.pre-war = sebelum perang he was bron in the pre-war era. = pasca perang the peace comes after the post-war.
25.ex-husband = mantan suami he is he ex-husband.
26.rebuild = membangun kembali let’s rebuild the ruins.


Suffix Added….to form
…. Meaning Example
-eer Nouns pers.nouns
An occupation Engineer
-let nouns nouns
small Booklet
-ess nouns nouns
Female waitress
-hood nouns abstr. nouns
status Boyhood
-ship nouns nouns
condition dictatorship
-dom nouns nouns
domain Kingdom
-(e)ry nouns nouns
Behavior Slavery
-ite nouns nouns
Member of community Socialite
-(i)an Nouns nouns
Pertaining to Indonesian
-ese nouns nouns
Nationality Chinese
-ist Nouns pers.nouns
Member of a party Socialite
-ism Nouns abstr.nouns
Attitude Idealism
-er Verbs nouns
Instrumental Receiver
-or Verbs nouns
Agetive Actor
-ant Verbs nouns
Agetive Inhabitant
-ee Verbs nouns
Possive Employee
-ation Verbs nouns
State,action Exploration
-ment Verbs nouns
State Depelopment
-al Verbs nouns
Action Refusal
-ing Verbs concrt.nouns
Result of activity Building
-age Verbs nouns
Activity Drainage
-ness adj. abstr.nouns
Quality Happiness
-ity adj. abstr.nouns
Quality Electricity
-ify Adj. verbs
Causative Simplify
-ize Adj. verbs
Causative Popularize
-en Adj. verbs
Causative Deafen
-ful nouns adjectives
Having Useful
-less nouns adjectives
Without Childless
-like nouns adjectives
Having the qualities of Childlike
-y nouns adjectives
Like….. Creamy
-able Verbs adjectives
Able Readable
-ish Adj. adjectives
Somewhat Youngish
-ly Adj. adverb
In a manner Strangely
Ward(s) Nouns adverb
Direction Backward(s)
-wise nouns adverb
In the manner of crabwise

Contoh : = insinyur he is an engineer
2.booklet = buku kecil;brosur,buklet we received a booklet yesterday.
3.waitress = pelayan wanita anita is an waitress in a restaurant.
4.boyhood = masa kanak-kanak my boyhood wa my nice exprecience
5.dictatorship = pemerintahan dikantor People dislike a dictatorship
6.kingdom = kerajaan A king lives in a kingdom.
7.slavery = perbudakan A slavery must be removed.
8.socialite = tokoh terkemuka he is one of famous socialite
9.indnesia = bangsa Indonesia I am Indonesian.
10.chinese = bangsa cina she is Chinese.
11.socialist = orang sosiais he is a socialist
12.idealism = idealisme they have a high idealism
13.receiver = pesawat penerima a receiver receives a massage = pemain pri sandiwara /film he is famous actor.
15.inhabitant = penduduk let’s become good inhabitant.
16.employee = karyawan employess must obey the rules.
17.exploration = penjelajahan they will do a space exploration
18.development = pembangunan the development runs well.
19.refusal = penolakan he said a square refusal last week.
20.building = bangunan a bulding a built by a builer.
21.Drainage = pengaliran this city has a system of drainage.
22.happiness = kebahagiaan we connot buy a happiness
23.electricity = listrik modern life almost needs electricity.
24.simplify = menyederhanakan slmplify this spelling please.
25.popularize = mempopulerkan we should popularize our nation.
26.deafen = menulikan/memekakkan this sound deafens our ears.
27.useful = bermamfaat;berguna make yourself useful.
28.childlike = kanak-kanak she is adorable with her childlike ways.
29.creamy = seperti cream she like a creamy soup.
30.readable = dapat baca;menarik his writing is readable.
31.youngish = agak muda he is a youngish president.
32.strangely =dengan cara aneh a man disappears strangely.
33.backward (s) = memutar kembali I feel it is a backward step.
34.crabwise = berjalan meminggir he walks crabwise.

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