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Selamat Datang di Blog English Grammar

Selasa, 08 Januari 2013


For this take home of Final examination, you are required to:

  1.     make an expository text.  You can write either cause and effect or problem
     and solution text. Choose one of the two.
  2.   Make an analytical text.
Here are some suggested topics:
Education, Corruption, Career Women, free sex, Young Marriage, flood, child abuse, facebook (social network), Love.

-          Your writing must be originally yours. (unoriginal works will not be scored)
-          One topic is only for one piece of your writing (Double topics are not allowed)
-          You may not write more than 5 paragraphs for each topic.
-          On your answer sheet please don’t forget to write down your Name, 
      Student  Enrollment Number (NIRM), and your contactable phone number.
-          Please don’t digress from the suggested topics.
-          Your answers must be emailed to by Wednesday,
      January 9, at 12.00 p.m.
-          Exceeding the deadline will not be scored.

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