Softening Strong Disagreement
Frankly, . . .
To be quite frank , . . .
To put it bluntly, . . .
with respect, . . .
Strong Disagreement
I totally disagree with you.
Don’t agree at all.
You’re completely mistaken.
Disagree entirely.
Under no circumstances could I agree to that.
What you are saying is just not feasible.
Softening Neutral Disagreement
I’m afraid . . .
I’m sorry . . .
With respect, . . .
I respect your opinion, of course, however . . .
Neutral Disagreement
I don’t completely agree with you on that.
I really can’t agree with you on that.
I can’t say that I share your view.
We’ll have to agree to differ.
I’m not totally convinced by your argument.
I Can’t accept your point of view.
I Can’t help feeling that . . .
I feel I must disagree.
I really must take issue with you here.
Tactful Disagreement
I agree up to a point, but . . .
To a certain extent I agree with you,but . . .
You have a point there,but . . .
I take your point,Mr /Ms ……….,but have you considered . . . ?
I can see your point of view,but surely . . .
I have some simphaty with your position,but . . .
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